1st July 2022
We all send our best wishes to Steve, our moderator, who came down with covid last week and we pray for his speedy recovery. It meant that, for the first time in many years, we were without a minister on a Sunday morning at short notice.
Without a minister but not without a service, for Steve had carefully scripted the whole thing and Denise spent time allocating parts to a cast of volunteers.
I don’t know how Steve felt as he heard his words read out (I’ll have to ask him) but it was certainly interesting to be a part of the worship. Was I listening to Steve? Or was it Graham? Or in some way “Steve through Graham”? Whatever that might be.
How interesting that a sermon that spoke about Mark’s gospel as a drama should be interpreted for us by an actor. (And how well it came across.)
When Bruce welcomes a preacher on a Sunday he will often say that we “look forward to hearing God’s message through your preaching.” Do we hear different things from God when that message has been worked on by a further interpreter?
Nick Parsons