27th February 2023
My in-box is full of requests for donations and prayer from charities I have supported, working at home and worldwide, especially at this time of so many crises. UNHCR asks for donations for Ukraine and help for refugees across the Middle East. Sat 7 too, reminds me of their vital prayer and worship resources beamed by television to these countries. Urgent help is needed for victims of the Turkish-Syrian earthquake: the DEC is appealing for this. The Red Cross and Salvation Army point me to the cost-of-living crisis in the UK and the Leprosy Mission reminds me that this is worldwide. All of them highlight the extra needs of poor and disabled people.
What should I do? What can I do? I can’t continually give to all of them, no matter how great my concern and compassion. I have to concentrate on some. The Turkish-Syrian earthquake victims are the most urgent and have received massive support. Some charities I have Direct Debits with – should I add a one-off increase for this urgent need? Some profit from wide publicity and are best known. Should I therefore direct my giving to the lesser known Christian ones with a smaller base? All ask for prayer. That costs only time and heart-concern.
Lord, help me to give what I can, and take time to picture the situations where that money is going, and open up my heart’s compassion as I add my heart-felt prayers to my donation. I know You are caring, empowering all the helpers, and I trust all our efforts to You.
Lesley Fuller