28th September 2022
What do I do with my anger? The news is full of how difficult life will become for all but the wealthiest in the coming months. We can already see hardship all around us on Whiteladies Road, a place that is not exactly one of the poorest areas of our city.
Yet our new chancellor gives money to the rich while taking it from the poor. And then tries to tell us all that he is not doing that at all!
For the first time in many years, I find my anger is overwhelming me. What can I do?
Lesley is a very wise friend at such times and gave me the perfect opportunity to vent my feelings at coffee shop but I found that the words would not come.
Lynn Green, our General Secretary, has signed a letter on behalf of us all calling on the government to “turn the tide on poverty, see us through this winter and put us on the path to a poverty free Britain.” That does not quite do it for me, good though it is.
The foodbank continues its excellent work and the winter night shelter gears up for the coldest months. But it feels like putting a small finger in a very big hole.
I find I can only turn to God in my anger and feeling of helplessness.
Lord God, your son Jesus turned the tables of the moneylenders AND told his followers to give the shirt of their back. Take my anger, take my feelings of impotence and rage and speak to me. Show me how best to respond, help me to show your love in the face of desperation and greed. Amen.
Nick Parsons