2nd September 2022
We spend many hours ‘on hold’ to various organisations or waiting at home for a delivery or a repair person to come round and its frustrating and annoying and makes us all, if we are honest a little mad.
We sometimes can feel that way about God too. Why sometimes does it feel like we are waiting for God. Waiting for things to change for the better. Waiting for ‘God to do something’.
Then we stop and reflect. We remember Sam’s preaching last week. We are the salt. We are the light. We can make the change. God isn’t leaving us waiting. He has sent the signs. Armed us with the gifts to implement change. Its up to us to make a difference, he is giving us the tools – we just don’t always hear Him. We need to listen and look. God is here. He is all around and change is there for the taking, there for us to take. So go out and be salt and light. Make a difference.
By the way – I did eventually get through to the call centre I was waiting for. Over an hour later, but ‘better late than never as my Gran would always say’.
Graham Lewis