3rd October 2022
Suppose this text appeared on the wall of the Cabinet Room: “. . . act justly, love mercy and walk humbly . . .” What effect would it have? Would it bring up short the powerful people sitting there, or would they just say: “that’s exactly what we are doing with our economics for growth”? To some of us it feels more like “shiver and starve first so you(?)/rich people can prosper later”. As Liz Truss makes her way round the regional news studios repeating the same mantra, it’s the sheer arrogance and refusal to listen that takes my breath away. I feel Nick’s anger and Ian’s despair and add my own sense of impotence. Recent developments bringing in the OBR may bring some improvement and we hear of protests from several directions. But it’s the attitude that causes me most concern.
So what can we do? We can add our voice to that of the protesters from all directions, write to our MPs and support the practical efforts locally. Nick has reminded us of the Food Bank and the Night Shelter and we may have other local initiatives like the Chandos Rd food collection.
How should we pray? I believe God works today through people He prompts and energises through His Holy Spirit. Let us listen for His guidance and join with others to follow it, knowing God loves us and all the people we seek to help, and it’s His love we are sharing. (He loves the people in power too!)
Lesley Fuller