5th February 2021
Take a Day at a Time
There are some words of Jesus that I’ve been pondering over in recent days. “Do not be anxious about tomorrow, tomorrow will look after itself. Each day has troubles enough of its own.” It’s not surprising that we are anxious as we look to the future. Will Covid-19 be overcome? Will the vaccine enable us to get back to normal life? Will there be a lessening of the country’s economic problems? These are questions we must face, but if we look too far ahead it’s very easy to neglect the present. There may be immediate, pressing matters that we can do something about now.
I suppose our biggest failure is that we are too anxious to leap into the future. There are so many things we want to do, or feel we ought to do, that it often means that we do not give adequate time to any. We have responsibilities to our work, to our families, to the community, to ourselves arid above all to God. Easily, they get out of hand and we emphasize one over the other. We end up by not knowing where we are going or what we are doing. How much then we need to take a day at a time, and each day demands different priorities, each day calls for different responsibilities, each day has troubles enough of its own. Don’t worry about the bogies of the future, they may be imaginary anyway. Take up life now, live today, live with the troubles of the present, and battle with them.
Carpe Diem
Peter Webb