6th November 2024
In a recent Sunday morning (October 27th), Adrian Howkins preached on the healing of blind Bartimaeus and asked us if we really want to see? I have always found this one of the questions of Jesus that makes me least comfortable. Do I really want to see the state of creation? Do I really want to face the reality of what I am doing to the planet, how I am leaving it for the next generation?
This week it has been almost impossible NOT to see the tragic devastation in Spain, almost as if the Earth is screaming at us to open our eyes.
Seeing then calls for repentance and repentance involves me in change. I need to change my blind, foolish ways.
One problem is that this can then leave me feeling helpless and paralysed and I end up doing nothing but feeling worse. We all need ideas, encouragement and a bit of help. We need to see that there are small but significant things that we can do by ourselves. But also that there are bigger, even more significant things that we need to do together and we need to lobby for those.
One place to seek some inspiration and help is the United Nations Act Now website.
Something with a more Baptist feel is the Baptist Union Environment Network.
Take a little time today to do some reading and take some encouragement and inspiration.
Nick Parsons