7th July 2021
As I write this, football fans are in a state of euphoria following their team’s victory over Germany, tennis enthusiasts are glued to Wimbledon, cricket carries sedately on and athletes are gearing up for the Olympics. What a feast of sport for us to indulge in and enjoy! Whether you follow any sport or not, it is difficult not to be impressed by the agility, physicality and skill of those taking part. We know that behind their performance lies months and years of dedication and sacrifice to attain the necessary ability to reach the standard demanded of them.
This can be said of every discipline whether it be music, art, dance, anything in fact on which we set our hearts and minds. It was moving to hear the ovation of the Wimbledon crowd, when the commentator introduced the visitors in the Royal Box as being the scientists who had developed the vaccine for Coronavirus. What single mindedness and devotion went into that. Achievements don’t just happen, they have to be worked at. Study, practice, focus, all help us to do the best we can.
So what does this say to us about living as a Christian in the best way we can? Our study is reading the Bible, meditating on God’s word, surrounding our souls and spirits with wholesome and nourishing good things, and allowing the fruits of the spirit to develop in our lives. Our focus is on living in such a way, so that God’s Kingdom can be seen as a reality.
So, let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfector of our faith (Hebrews 12: 1-2).
Elizabeth Webb