8th July 2020

As I walked to work today, which I have done many times since lockdown began, I was struck by one thing.

­– It wasn’t the beautiful blue skies.

– It wasn’t the bird song (which you can still hear despite more traffic on the roads).

– And it wasn’t the beautiful ribbons outside Tyndale proclaiming that “we are still here for you”.

I was struck by the number of homeless people that are once again returning to our streets.

For over 16 weeks refuge and shelter has been made available for these unfortunate souls and they have managed to enjoy a warm, safe bed for the night, good company and food.

Now that we are “gradually moving out of lockdown” and returning to some sort of “normality”, for which in the main we are all grateful – normality for some does not mean better. For some, “normality” will mean returning to the streets, to a life of fear, loneliness, hunger, abuse and the cold.

Let us spare a thought for these people – our fellow human beings – our neighbours. Let us continue to do all that we can for them to make their life a little better.

Matthew 22:37-40 “Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself’”.

Graham Lewis