Advent Reflections – Week 2 (6 Dec)
Advent 6 – Exodus 5:1–3
‘Way down in Pharaoh’s land, let my people go’
Where to? The way leads through the wilderness –
Today’s wilderness of viral-borne disease the same
As ancient desert. Fire by night, cloud by day –
The instinct from those times is sure enough to know
That if we seek we’ll find. There is a name
For this; for every suffering ‘no’, a yes
Sounds clear from the rocks along our way.
Advent 7 – Genesis 15:1–5
How far have we come? Look back to see;
Remember how things were when you began,
How things have been so far. Your ancestry
Is written in the fears and hopes of human
Life in any age. They were like you
Who lived before; those yet to come
Will be like you, marked by the two
Branches: hate and love. Some
Died in war, some lived in peace, none
Fell far from the tree of life. And here
We are, on the way, feeling never more alone
Than in this age of frailty, where hope and fear
Vie to win us soon to love or hate.
What help is ours? Shall we grow wise
And who, if any, guides and holds our fate
In loving hands? Look to the ancient promise.
Advent 8 – Ruth 1:11–18
Friendship is high among the gifts
We have been given. It crosses bounds and lines and lifts
Us; it goes the extra mile, ‘wherever you go
I will go’, it says; ‘your people shall be mine’. No
Thing shall come between us and our truest friends,
The Giver gives more yet: a love that never ends.
Advent 9 – 1 Samuel 16:1–13
Between the Shepherd and the King,
Between the One who serves and rules
There is no distance in His world. Nothing
Comes between; and if this virus fools
Us into thinking that it’s all, then they
Who live by faith, who discover that glad things
Are theirs who serve, who do not trust in earthly kings,
Who give and love, will find there is another day.
Advent 10 – John 1:1–5 – Light
This present darkness, though it’s very dark
for many, cannot overcome the light.
This is the promise. The work
Of this and every day is to walk
Through every darkness doing what is right,
Trusting in the promise of the One who is the Light.
Advent 11 – Colossians 1:15–19 – Reconciliation
Much is divided in our world; the nation
Is divided. Nations are divided. We
Are divided. Politics is divided, culture is divided.
The poet’s words are for our world: ‘things fall apart’.
But this is not the world God has decided
To call us to. That world is whole and free.
All things in that world are reconciled. Start,
In this world, to look for signs of reconciliation.
Advent 12 – Romans 8:18–25 – Hope
Without hope we cannot live for long,
Soon we grow weary, fatalistic, scared.
Tired of life? That’s no way to live. What
Will be will be? That’s no way to live. Scared
Of our own shadow? That’s no way
To live. But if we live in hope that
Is not seen, trusting in another day,
Hope will be our story, it will be our song.