June 8th

Silence is not an option. There comes a time when the need to speak out on behalf of others becomes too great. And we are at one of those times. The events of the past few weeks in the US has opened our eyes to things we haven’t wanted to own or acknowledge in ourselves.

“I can’t breathe” has shocked the world! Those who experience the inequality of colour as they walk down the street are saying that it suffocates them. And others of us know in our hearts that we too won’t breathe easily unless we join our voices to the growing clamour for change. Silence is not an option!

“Like a sheep before its shearer is dumb, he did not speak a word.” Jesus knew silence in the face of unjust accusations. Jesus knew silence when facing the questions of Pilate with the power of life and death. Jesus knew silence when Herod asked for miracles to prove his worth. Heaven was silent when he hung on a cross!

There’s a time for silence and a time to speak out, according to Ecclesiastes. Silence often follows the storm, the death, the violence but it does not remain. Words follow. Words of anger, pain, fear, truths and untruths. Words that lead to action. Action that leads to what? Change? Justice? Peace? Silence is not an option for we will not be able to breathe until we have cleared the air for everyone! Until in Jesus words, “It is finished” and we are one people!

Rachel Haig